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51 |
 | Elizabeth Alice Moore Cemetery Record
52 |
 | Elizabeth Bondurant Consent. Samuel Moore and Elizabeth Bondurant Marriage Bond The Clerk of the County Court of Campbell
Sir you will please to grant Mr Samuel Moore license for his intermarriage with me as I have no father or mother and being of lawful age. Given under my hand + seal this 11th day of January 1825.
Elizabeth Bundurant
James Sandifer
Thomas Evans
Know all men by these presents that the Samuel Moore and James Sandifer are held and firmly bound unto James Pleasants Governor of the state of Virginia the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to which payment will and truly to be made to the said Governor his assessor we bind ourselves our heirs executors + administrators in unity and severally firmly by these presents sealed + dated this 11th day of January 1825. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage shortly intended to be held and solemnized between Samuel Moore and Elizabeth Bundurent of the county of Campbell If therefore there be no legal course to obstruct the said marriage then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
Signed sealed and delivered
in the prescence of Samuel Moore
John Alexander Clk James Sandifer
53 |
 | Ephraim Bondurant 12 May 1828 Deed 1- Campbell DB16 P264
54 |
 | Ephraim Bondurant 12 May 1828 Deed 2- Campbell DB16 P265
55 |
 | Ephraim Bondurant 2 Mar 1842 Deed- Campbell DB24 P132
56 |
 | Eugenia Vanette Arthur Cemetery Record
57 |
 | Ezekial Arthur and Clarissa Moore Marriage
58 |
 | Finney vs Edwards Suit
59 |
 | Garnett Andrews Pr Edw DB13 p93 262a
60 |
 | Garnett Andrews Pr Edw DB13 p104
61 |
 | Geneevieve Appolline Lefrancois Birth Record
Quebec Vital and Church Records Drouin
62 |
 | George Beer Vaccination Certificate 1821 Schutz-Impfungs-Schein (immunization paper) Das im koniglich Baierischen Gerichtsnezirk Neustadt a.d. Waldnaab zu Floss der Pfarrei Floss Ev.Rel. (Church of Floss, Protestant Religion). It took place 25 Mar 1821. His name was Georg Erhard Baer from Wurzelbrunn, age 4 months and 20 days. Smallpox - on the eighth day he was checked over and it was found the immunization had taken. This was done on 1 June 1821 and signed by Dr Steiner.
63 |
 | George Ornes WWWI draft card
64 |
 | Hamilton Mason Death Record
65 |
 | Hanson R Baker & Ida Kester Marriage Record - 9 Dec 1886
66 |
 | Hanson R Baker & Laura Beverlin Marriage Record - 24 Nov 1900
67 |
 | Henry P Moore Death Cert
68 |
 | Hoffmaster & Eakle - Matrimony Notice Matrimony Notice Date: Thursday, August 24, 1826 Paper: Torch Light (Hagers-Town, Maryland) Volume: XII Issue: 43 Page: 2
69 |
 | Holbird Bible 1
70 |
 | Holbird Bible 2
71 |
 | Horatio D Motley, Parole Document, Appomattox Courthouse, VA (1865)
72 |
 | Hugh Smith 1917 draft card
73 |
 | Huguenot Refugees on the Ship Mary & Ann sailing to Virginia
Huguenot Refugees on Board Ship Mary and Ann, August 12, 1700, Virginia, James City.
74 |
 | Inventory of Nicholas Holbert (1787) 1 of 2
75 |
 | Inventory of Nicholas Holbert (1787) 2 of 2
76 |
 | James M Reynolds and Rebecca Giles Marriage Bond
77 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
78 |
 | James Sandifer Dicey Moore Marriage Charlotte Court consent of Thomas N Moore to the marriage of his daughter Dicey Moore and James Sandifer.
79 |
 | James Sandifer Dicey Moore Marriage Certificate April 1825 Charlotte County Court House
Marriage Cert. for James Sandifer & Eliander Moore daughter of Thomas N Moore and Thornton Moore is a witness.
80 |
 | Jeremiah Thompson 1828 Indenture
81 |
 | Jeremiah Thompson 1842 Deed
82 |
 | Jeremiah Thompson Heirs Deed
83 |
 | Jesse Havens SAR1- son of Anna Davis and John Havens Jesse Havens was a 2nd Lt. in the Monmouth County, NJ Militia in 1776 during the Revolutionary War. Jesse Havens lost his life on 28 March 1814 during the naval battle in the harbor of Valparaiso, Chile, South America where the English sunk the "Essex".
84 |
 | Jesse Havens SAR1- son of Anna Davis and John Havens
85 |
 | John Davis Will 1701
86 |
 | John Halbert 1765-1821 Will
87 |
 | John Halbert Will
88 |
 | John Hogg - Margret Lennox marriage 12 Feb 1758
89 |
 | John Hogg birth 24 Nov bap 15 Dec 1736
90 |
 | John Hogg Will Made 14 Jun 1781
91 |
 | John Motley Morehead Signature from term as governor of NC.
92 |
 | John Munger 1835 land patent
93 |
 | John Peter Bondurant - 1790 Powhatan County Tax List
94 |
 | John Peter Bondurant - 1800 Buckingham County Tax List
95 |
 | Joseph B Westbrook Cemetery Record
96 |
 | Joseph Benjamin Moore Cemetery Record
97 |
 | Joshua Gifford Baptisms Parish Register of Christ Church Shrewsbury
98 |
 | Joshua Gifford Will 1790
99 |
 | Juana Gurrola Border Crossing 1946
100 |
 | Judith Crawford born in 1705. Married Joseph Terry