JEM Genealogy
Ornes Moore Motley Echols Edwards Fackler Parsons Reynolds Smith Brown Bruce Munger Beer Kern Viele Nims Baker Bondurant Von Krogh Magnus Munthe and others
First Name:  Last Name: 
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, Baltimore, Maryland, USA


Latitude: 39.2903848, Longitude: -76.6121893


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Boaz, Lydia  1780, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I46487
2 Fleming, Alexander  1752, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45622
3 Fleming, Robert Jr.  1759, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45623
4 Fleming, William W.  8 May 1761, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45620
5 Frizzell, Isaac  21 May 1765, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I46486
6 Gilbert, Michael  19 Apr 1741, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I5707
7 Parrish, Richard  1648, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I33487
8 Rutledge, John  1697, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27070
9 Rutledge, Martha Jane  30 Mar 1828, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27038


Matches 1 to 14 of 14

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Irish  1730, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I5886
2 Lee, Anne Kinloch  20 Feb 1864, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I43311
3 Parrish, Elizabeth  1760, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I33398
4 Parrish, Mary  26 Jan 1753, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I33409
5 Parrish, Mary Ann  1705, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I33449
6 Parrish, William  , Baltimore, Maryland, USA I33484
7 Parrish, William Edward  1771, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I33451
8 Philpot, Ann  1697, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I44676
9 Rutledge, Dr. Jacob Ignatius  2 Nov 1855, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27035
10 Rutledge, John Randolph  30 Nov 1925, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27036
11 Rutledge, John Wheeler  10 Mar 1873, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27041
12 Rutledge, Martha Jane  4 Aug 1921, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27038
13 Utie, Nathaniel  22 Jan 1675, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I47243
14 Ward, Julia Ann  1 Oct 1889, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27032


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Tydings, Peshoshia Sarah  , Baltimore, Maryland, USA I50646


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Boering, John  1670, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I27075
2 Gardner, Effie May  1910, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I49673
3 Parmater, Jerome Aaron "Joseph"  1910, Baltimore, Maryland, USA I10247


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Gilbert / Hudson  24 Feb 1789, Baltimore, Maryland, USA F7156
2 Rutledge / Rutledge  13 Oct 1747, Baltimore, Maryland, USA F6864