County/Shire : Latitude: 59.17078619999999, Longitude: 10.114435500000013
BirthMatches 1 to 7 of 7
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Alfarinsdatter, Alfhild | Abt 794 | , Vestfold, Norway | I36250 |
2 |
Alvheim, Mrs. Alfarin Of | Abt 773 | , Vestfold, Norway | I36252 |
3 |
Eiriksdatter, Hildi | Abt 740 | , Vestfold, Norway | I36254 |
4 |
Gudrodsson, King Of Jutland And Vestfold Olaf | Abt 800 | , Vestfold, Norway | I36246 |
5 |
Halfdansson, Eysteinn King In Vestfold | Abt 736 | , Vestfold, Norway | I36253 |
6 |
King of Alvheim, Alfarin | Abt 769 | , Vestfold, Norway | I36251 |
7 |
Olafsson, Rognvald | Abt 816 | , Vestfold, Norway | I36225 |
MarriageMatches 1 to 5 of 5
Family |
Marriage |
Family ID |
1 |
Eysteinsson / Dagsdatter | Abt 788 | , Vestfold, Norway | F8669 |
2 |
Gudrodsson / Gudrodsson | Abt 815 | , Vestfold, Norway | F8664 |
3 |
Halfdansson / Alfarinsdatter | Abt 815 | , Vestfold, Norway | F8671 |
4 |
King of Alvheim / Alvheim | Abt 791 | , Vestfold, Norway | F8673 |
5 |
Olafsson / Eysteinsdatter | Abt 735 | , Vestfold, Norway | F8665 |