JEM Genealogy
Ornes Moore Motley Echols Edwards Fackler Parsons Reynolds Smith Brown Bruce Munger Beer Kern Viele Nims Baker Bondurant Von Krogh Magnus Munthe and others
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Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA


Latitude: 42.7989533, Longitude: -77.1318885


Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Bell, Sidney S  27 Oct 1833Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
2 Huntone, Arthur "Art" George  25 Feb 1902Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33608
3 Post, Cynthia  29 Jun 1801Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I4423
4 Smith, Albert Mitchell  27 Apr 1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33618
5 Smith, Caroline  1837Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
6 Smith, Catherine N  1823Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33567
7 Smith, Edward Jr  1796Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27698
8 Smith, Helen S  3 Dec 1820Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33568
9 Smith, Isaiah V  1827Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33571
10 Smith, Israel Chapin  1812Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27703
11 Smith, John M  1825Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33572
12 Smith, Mary G  Dec 1868Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33619
13 Smith, Phebe Ann  22 Jul 1833Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33575
14 Smith, Thomas  1805Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27699
15 Smith, William H  19 Sep 1812Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27754
16 Smith, William H  1831Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33569


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Cody, Sarah  1829Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I4449
2 Davis, Electa  Nov 1881Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33598
3 Huntoon, Anna M  7 Jul 1884Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33636
4 Smith, Catherine N  Aug 1829Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33567
5 Smith, John M  16 Apr 1899Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33572
6 Smith, Nathaniel  25 Aug 1886Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27702
7 Smith, William "Willie" W  18 Sep 1857Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33616
8 Yeckley, Mary T  19 Jan 1868Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33573


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Bell, Ralph Irwin  Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33621
2 Bell, Sidney S  Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
3 Bell, Sophia  Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33649
4 Bell, Thomas  Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33650
5 Smith, Phebe Ann  Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33575


Matches 1 to 50 of 77

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Baker, Appolos  1810Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I15614
2 Bell, Ralph Irwin  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33621
3 Bell, Ralph Irwin  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33621
4 Bell, Ralph Irwin  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33621
5 Bell, Ralph Irwin  1900Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33621
6 Bell, Sidney S  1850Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
7 Bell, Sidney S  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
8 Bell, Sidney S  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
9 Bell, Sidney S  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
10 Bell, Sidney S  1892Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
11 Bell, Sidney S  1900Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33622
12 Huntoon, Elijah  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33597
13 Huntoon, Elijah  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33597
14 Huntoon, Elijah  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33597
15 Huntoon, Elijah  1892Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33597
16 Huntoon, Henry William  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33596
17 Huntoon, Henry William  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33596
18 Mitchell, Frances E "Fannie"  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33620
19 Mitchell, Frances E "Fannie"  1900Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33620
20 Smith, Albert Mitchell  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33618
21 Smith, Alice E  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33613
22 Smith, Alice E  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33613
23 Smith, Asahel "Asa" C  1820Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27696
24 Smith, Caroline  1850Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
25 Smith, Caroline  1855Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
26 Smith, Caroline  1860Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
27 Smith, Caroline  1865Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
28 Smith, Caroline  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
29 Smith, Caroline  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
30 Smith, Caroline  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
31 Smith, Caroline  1892Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33574
32 Smith, Edward  1810Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27693
33 Smith, Edward  1820Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27693
34 Smith, Edward Jr  1820Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I27698
35 Smith, Enos Virgil  1850Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33570
36 Smith, Enos Virgil  1855Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33570
37 Smith, Enos Virgil  1865Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33570
38 Smith, Enos Virgil  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33570
39 Smith, Enos Virgil  1880Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33570
40 Smith, Enos Virgil  1892Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33570
41 Smith, Enos Virgil  1900Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33570
42 Smith, Ester F  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33612
43 Smith, Ester F  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33612
44 Smith, Frederick E  1 Jun 1875Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33611
45 Smith, Isaiah V  1850Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33571
46 Smith, John M  1850Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33572
47 Smith, John M  1855Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33572
48 Smith, John M  1860Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33572
49 Smith, John M  1 Jul 1863Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33572
50 Smith, John M  1870Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA I33572

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Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Bell / Dintruff  24 Dec 1885Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA F8169
2 Hamilton / Smith  27 Mar 1850Gorham, Ontario, New York, USA F8165