Latitude: 43.1449284, Longitude: -77.59489459999998
BirthMatches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Anderson, Elizabeth | 30 Aug 1836 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I18769 |
2 |
Atchinson, Frances M. (Fanny) | 11 Jan 1836 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I50041 |
3 |
Spiggle, John Blaine | 12 Apr 1926 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I52268 |
DeathMatches 1 to 10 of 10
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
1 |
Anderson, Elizabeth | 31 Aug 1836 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I18769 |
2 |
Baker, Paul | | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I15615 |
3 |
Cole, Caroline Elizabeth | | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I35332 |
4 |
Harding, Mary E | 25 Oct 1936 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I18500 |
5 |
Huntone, Paul S | Jul 1965 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I33609 |
6 |
Huntoon, J Alfred | 20 Feb 1928 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I33639 |
7 |
Maid, Helen Dortha | 22 Jan 1997 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I52266 |
8 |
Schutt, Seymour | 18 Mar 1901 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I6301 |
9 |
Spiggle, Francis Marion Roy | 24 Oct 1969 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I52182 |
10 |
Spiggle, John Blaine | 23 Dec 2002 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I52268 |
ResidenceMatches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Residence |
Person ID |
1 |
Allen, Esther A | 1875 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I50026 |
2 |
Atchinson, George A | 1875 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I50025 |
3 |
Atchinson, John | 1875 | Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA | I50027 |