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Chârost, Cher, Centre, France


Latitude: 46.9943180, Longitude: 2.1166649


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Chastain, Estienne Rene  30 Mar 1625Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I18753
2 Chastain, Jean  10 Aug 1661Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I18755
3 Chastaing, Anne  25 Feb 1654Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I18756


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Audet, Jeanne  1667Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I18758
2 Chastain, Estienne Rene  1694Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I18753
3 Chastain, Jean  Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I18755
4 Laurent, Jean  1691Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I18733
5 Laurent, Jeanne  1631Chârost, Cher, Centre, France I25765


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Chastain / Audet  1625Chârost, Cher, Centre, France F6611
2 Chastain / Laurent  Chârost, Cher, Centre, France F6612