JEM Genealogy
Ornes Moore Motley Echols Edwards Fackler Parsons Reynolds Smith Brown Bruce Munger Beer Kern Viele Nims Baker Bondurant Von Krogh Magnus Munthe and others
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Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA


Latitude: 43.265245, Longitude: -85.62292960000002


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Rowe, Allen Lushan  11 Aug 1860Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33762
2 Rowe, Effie Ainor  10 Jun 1865Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33764
3 Rowe, Lilly M  1866Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33725
4 Rowe, Nelson Albert  23 Apr 1859Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33763


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Mabie, John F  23 Jun 1902Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33718
2 Smith, Amos Chapin  14 Mar 1873Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I27706
3 Smith, Israel Chapin  1877Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I27703
4 Smith, Joseph Halbert  16 May 1894Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I27749
5 Smith, Peter Kelly  5 Nov 1908Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I27748


Matches 1 to 19 of 19

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Bunnell, Lillian Capitola  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33715
2 Mabie, Amos  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33716
3 Mabie, John F  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33718
4 Mabie, William  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33717
5 Mason, Hamilton V  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33720
6 Mason, Hamilton V  1872Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33720
7 Mason, Hamilton V  1882Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33720
8 Prentiss, Mary Ann Almina  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33701
9 Rowe, Lilly M  1882Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33725
10 Smith, Alden Everitt Orlando  1880Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33707
11 Smith, Israel Chapin  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I27703
12 Smith, Levana D  1880Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33710
13 Smith, Lillie O  1880Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33708
14 Smith, Lucy Jeannette Luty Lutie  1880Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33709
15 Smith, Obediah B  1860Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33691
16 Smith, Obediah B  1 Jul 1863Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33691
17 Smith, Obediah B  1880Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33691
18 Smith, Ormer Lafayette  1860Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33711
19 Smith, Ormer Lafayette  1870Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA I33711


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Mason / Rowe  4 Jul 1882Solon, Kent, Michigan, USA F8190