Abt 1554 - Yes, date unknown
Name |
Rogan Mallard [1, 2] |
Birth |
Abt 1554 |
, , , England |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Yes, date unknown |
Person ID |
I1939 |
Master |
Last Modified |
11 May 2012 |
Family |
Unk, b. Abt 1558, , , , England d. Yes, date unknown |
Marriage |
Bef 1579 |
, , , England |
Children |
+ | 1. Alice Mallard, b. Abt 1579, Ashbourne, Staffordshire, England d. Yes, date unknown |
Family ID |
F831 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- Richard Philpott
Richard was the father of Roger Phillpott alias Mylwarde, the sheriff, and of John Philpott otherwise called John Milwarde. They were members of the drapers guild
in Wooten-under-Edge - in other words, weavers and cloth merchants.
Will of Richard Philpott otherwise Millward, draper of Wottonunder Egge (Edge), Gloucester, England, dated 10 May 1521, proved in the Prerogative Court of
Canterbury Probates, folio 10 Maynwaryng 17 Jun 1521. FHL# 91910 --
In the name of god Amen in the yere of our Lord god MCVXXI (1521) and the xth day of maye I Richard Philpott otherwise called Millward of the parishe of Wotton
under Ege in my good minde and hoole memorye make my testament and last will under the maner and forme herafter followying.
Ffrst I gyve and bequethe my Soule unto almyghty god and blessed Lady and to all the hooly Company of hevyn and my body to be buryed in the parish Church of
Wotton aforesaid before the image of Saint John Bapt.
Item, I bequeth to our mother Church of Tartworth xj d
Item, to ye ancen crosse Lght of Wotton, xj d
To our Lady bequeth xj d
To Saint Cateryn bequeth xj d
To Saint Nicholas bequeth xj d
To all Saintes bequeth xj d
To Saint John Baptist bequeth xj d
To Saint Mighell bequeth xj d
To Saint Christofer bequeth xj d
and to the toulys xj d. Item:I bequeth to the monasterey of Lynys Wodd iii s iiii d
To the Church of Cromhall iii s iiii d /
To the Church of Totnor iii s iiii d/
To the chapill of Tuffami iii s iiii d/
And to the high aultar of Wotton for sins forgoten iii s iiii d/.
Item: I will have bestowed at my burying unto wherof I will that every prest that is at dirge and masse shall have for his labour xiid/ and every other prest vii d.
Item: I will that monies bestowed to kepe myne obit every month during the hooli yere.
Item: I will that a prest doo sing for my soule at Saint Johns aultar say hooli yere so that is sayd every month a full dirge and a masse of requim for me and for my wif
and for all the soules of them thosse names he shall have worthy in will. And he shall have for his labours for that yere vi L.
Item: I bequethe to Roger my sonne xx L to John, his sonne xx s and to Maude his daughter xx s /
Item: I bequeth to George Philpott xx s / and to Richard his brother xx s that were the sonnes of John Philpott my Sonne. Ifany of them departe from this present life
Then I will that the other shall have his owne and above his owne xx s that was bequeth to his brother. And if his brother doo depart from this present lif under the age
of xiiii yeres Then I will that th esaid xx s of theire bequest be bestowed for the gelt of my soule and for there soules by the decision of my supervisors.
Item: I bequeth to Thomas Philpott xx s To Richard his brother xx s that were the sonnes of William Philpott otherwise called William Mylward my brother/ Yf any of
theym departe from this present lif before theyre of xiiii yeres that the brother shall have over and above his own xx s , that xx s bequest to his brother. And if they
bothe departe before theyr of xiiii yeres that they in liv wise the same xx s shall bestowed for my soule and theires by the desicion of my said living sonnes.
Item: I bequeth to the mending of the markett crosse and of the other crosse xii s viii d.
Item: I bequeth to the mending of the highe waye between Wotton and Brandley xx s.
Item: I will that the bequest of my sonne John that is to every of his sonnes x L which I have bequethed to theym and to my brother William's sonnes.
Item: The residue of my goodes not bequest my debts paid and that my Last will fulfilled, I give to Catryne my wif whom I ardyne my goode and trusted executrex.
And also I ordayne and make George Harpersfild, Roger Philpott, John Sebourne, the Sonne of Robert Sebourne and John Hewes my Supervisors of this my Last Will
and testament to be fulfilled. And they to homever of theym for there Labours x s.
Witnesse hereof
Masster William Ffrithe, Vicar of Wotton aforesaid.
George Symond Richard Ffay et r y obey at Wotton this day and yere above wryten.
Original spelling retained. The will is written in a single paragraph; it was rearranged into paragraphs and lists for readability. English money: L - pounds sterling, s
= shillings, d = pence.
John Philpott
John Philpott was the uncle of Alice Millard and the son of Richard Philpott. He was a member of the drapers guild in Wooten-under-Edge - in other words, he was a
weaver and cloth merchant. He was also referred to as John Milwarde
Will of Johannes Philpott otherwise Mylwarde, draper, Wotton-under-Edge, dated 30 Mar 1521 and probated May 1521-Prerogative Court of Canterbury registered
wills, folio 10 Maynwaryng, FHL # 91910
In the name of god Amen,
The yere of our Lorde M D XXI (1521) the XXXth day of the month of Marche I John Philpott otherwise called John Mylwarde of Wotton under Egge draper of
goode mynde and perfytt memorye make my testament in maner and forme followyng.
Ffirst I bequithe my Soule to almyghty god to our Lady and to all the hooly company of heven. And my body to be buried in theabove named Wotton before the ymage
of the trenite. Also Ibequeth to our Lady of Morsetter as to our moder Church viii s /Also to the highe Aulter of the Church of Wotten xii d Also to the highe Crosee
bequetyh viii d /To our Lady bequeth vi d/ To Saint Nicholas bequeth iiii d/
Also I gyve and bequeth to George Philpot my sonne x L (pounds) and to Richard my son x L. And I will that is eyther of them departe from that present lif before
thage (the age) of xiiii yers that he that lyveth shall have over and above his owne portion of the L bequithid to his brother without any Interuption. And if godwill that
they bothe departe forth of that present lif before thage of xiii yeres that then my fader Richard Philpott and John Seborne the sonne of Robert Seborne which I
ordange (ordaine) and will the supervisors of this my Last Will and testament shall despose and distribute ther xx L. bequethed and given to my abovenamed Sonnes
George and Richard after there descretion and pleasure for the helth of my soule and theres and of all those soules that I am bounde to praye fore/ Yf they bothe be
anlyve (alive) and els the longer liver of them/
Also I will that if my wif doo marye and will not take upon her to kepe my above named children and see them ordrd afte such order and maner as shal be thought
convenient by the above named Richard Phelpott and John Seborn that then my said wif Agnes Philpott shall deliver my said children to the custodye and Kepyng of
the said Richard Phelpott and John Seborne/ And unto them vi to xiii d towarde theire fyndyng over exbense the fornamed some of xx L. before bequethed to my said
children to thentent (the intent) that they shall see my said children kepte and ordered honestely according to ther ebequest. Unto such time as they shal be abel to gett
their lyvynge or goo to other menys (means)/
Also I will that my brother Roger Phelpott have my bestgowne, my best coote and my best doblett. And over and above that an hoole clothe of my best makyng/
Also I bequethe and gyve to Margarete my daughter xl s.
Also I will that xl s be bestowed at my burial/ Also I will that my dirge and masse solemnly be note shalbe kepte and celebrate every monthe duryng the Space of a
hoole yere in the above named Church of Wotton/
The residue of my goodes not bequethed and my dette paid I gyve to Agnes my wife whom I make and ordayne my sole executure and Richard Phelpott my Ffather and
John Seborne the younger as is above writen to be Supervisors of this my will and testament to see that it be fulfilled according to the tenour thereof/ And to have for
there Laboures every of them one Sheling and eyght pens.
Witnes Willem Ffrithe, vicar of the said Church of Wotton
Mr. John Bolter
John Sepborne the elder
Richard Ffaye
with other yoben (upon?) the daye and yere above wryten.
Original spelling and punctuation retained. Text was arranged in paragraphs, not seen in original, to increase readability. English monetary designations: L = pounds
sterling, s = shillings, d = pence.
Many thanks to Varla Jane Owens Wright for submission of this bio. [Moore_from ancestry_09262007.FTW]
Richard Philpott
Richard was the father of Roger Phillpott alias Mylwarde, the sheriff, and of John Philpott otherwise called John Milwarde. They were members of the drapers guild
in Wooten-under-Edge - in other words, weavers and cloth merchants.
Will of Richard Philpott otherwise Millward, draper of Wottonunder Egge (Edge), Gloucester, England, dated 10 May 1521, proved in the Prerogative Court of
Canterbury Probates, folio 10 Maynwaryng 17 Jun 1521. FHL# 91910 --
In the name of god Amen in the yere of our Lord god MCVXXI (1521) and the xth day of maye I Richard Philpott otherwise called Millward of the parishe of Wotton
under Ege in my good minde and hoole memorye make my testament and last will under the maner and forme herafter followying.
Ffrst I gyve and bequethe my Soule unto almyghty god and blessed Lady and to all the hooly Company of hevyn and my body to be buryed in the parish Church of
Wotton aforesaid before the image of Saint John Bapt.
Item, I bequeth to our mother Church of Tartworth xj d
Item, to ye ancen crosse Lght of Wotton, xj d
To our Lady bequeth xj d
To Saint Cateryn bequeth xj d
To Saint Nicholas bequeth xj d
To all Saintes bequeth xj d
To Saint John Baptist bequeth xj d
To Saint Mighell bequeth xj d
To Saint Christofer bequeth xj d
and to the toulys xj d. Item:I bequeth to the monasterey of Lynys Wodd iii s iiii d
To the Church of Cromhall iii s iiii d /
To the Church of Totnor iii s iiii d/
To the chapill of Tuffami iii s iiii d/
And to the high aultar of Wotton for sins forgoten iii s iiii d/.
Item: I will have bestowed at my burying unto wherof I will that every prest that is at dirge and masse shall have for his labour xiid/ and every other prest vii d.
Item: I will that monies bestowed to kepe myne obit every month during the hooli yere.
Item: I will that a prest doo sing for my soule at Saint Johns aultar say hooli yere so that is sayd every month a full dirge and a masse of requim for me and for my wif
and for all the soules of them thosse names he shall have worthy in will. And he shall have for his labours for that yere vi L.
Item: I bequethe to Roger my sonne xx L to John, his sonne xx s and to Maude his daughter xx s /
Item: I bequeth to George Philpott xx s / and to Richard his brother xx s that were the sonnes of John Philpott my Sonne. Ifany of them departe from this present life
Then I will that the other shall have his owne and above his owne xx s that was bequeth to his brother. And if his brother doo depart from this present lif under the age
of xiiii yeres Then I will that th esaid xx s of theire bequest be bestowed for the gelt of my soule and for there soules by the decision of my supervisors.
Item: I bequeth to Thomas Philpott xx s To Richard his brother xx s that were the sonnes of William Philpott otherwise called William Mylward my brother/ Yf any of
theym departe from this present lif before theyre of xiiii yeres that the brother shall have over and above his own xx s , that xx s bequest to his brother. And if they
bothe departe before theyr of xiiii yeres that they in liv wise the same xx s shall bestowed for my soule and theires by the desicion of my said living sonnes.
Item: I bequeth to the mending of the markett crosse and of the other crosse xii s viii d.
Item: I bequeth to the mending of the highe waye between Wotton and Brandley xx s.
Item: I will that the bequest of my sonne John that is to every of his sonnes x L which I have bequethed to theym and to my brother William's sonnes.
Item: The residue of my goodes not bequest my debts paid and that my Last will fulfilled, I give to Catryne my wif whom I ardyne my goode and trusted executrex.
And also I ordayne and make George Harpersfild, Roger Philpott, John Sebourne, the Sonne of Robert Sebourne and John Hewes my Supervisors of this my Last Will
and testament to be fulfilled. And they to homever of theym for there Labours x s.
Witnesse hereof
Masster William Ffrithe, Vicar of Wotton aforesaid.
George Symond Richard Ffay et r y obey at Wotton this day and yere above wryten.
Original spelling retained. The will is written in a single paragraph; it was rearranged into paragraphs and lists for readability. English money: L - pounds sterling, s
= shillings, d = pence.
John Philpott
John Philpott was the uncle of Alice Millard and the son of Richard Philpott. He was a member of the drapers guild in Wooten-under-Edge - in other words, he was a
weaver and cloth merchant. He was also referred to as John Milwarde
Will of Johannes Philpott otherwise Mylwarde, draper, Wotton-under-Edge, dated 30 Mar 1521 and probated May 1521-Prerogative Court of Canterbury registered
wills, folio 10 Maynwaryng, FHL # 91910
In the name of god Amen,
The yere of our Lorde M D XXI (1521) the XXXth day of the month of Marche I John Philpott otherwise called John Mylwarde of Wotton under Egge draper of
goode mynde and perfytt memorye make my testament in maner and forme followyng.
Ffirst I bequithe my Soule to almyghty god to our Lady and to all the hooly company of heven. And my body to be buried in theabove named Wotton before the ymage
of the trenite. Also Ibequeth to our Lady of Morsetter as to our moder Church viii s /Also to the highe Aulter of the Church of Wotten xii d Also to the highe Crosee
bequetyh viii d /To our Lady bequeth vi d/ To Saint Nicholas bequeth iiii d/
Also I gyve and bequeth to George Philpot my sonne x L (pounds) and to Richard my son x L. And I will that is eyther of them departe from that present lif before
thage (the age) of xiiii yers that he that lyveth shall have over and above his owne portion of the L bequithid to his brother without any Interuption. And if godwill that
they bothe departe forth of that present lif before thage of xiii yeres that then my fader Richard Philpott and John Seborne the sonne of Robert Seborne which I
ordange (ordaine) and will the supervisors of this my Last Will and testament shall despose and distribute ther xx L. bequethed and given to my abovenamed Sonnes
George and Richard after there descretion and pleasure for the helth of my soule and theres and of all those soules that I am bounde to praye fore/ Yf they bothe be
anlyve (alive) and els the longer liver of them/
Also I will that if my wif doo marye and will not take upon her to kepe my above named children and see them ordrd afte such order and maner as shal be thought
convenient by the above named Richard Phelpott and John Seborn that then my said wif Agnes Philpott shall deliver my said children to the custodye and Kepyng of
the said Richard Phelpott and John Seborne/ And unto them vi to xiii d towarde theire fyndyng over exbense the fornamed some of xx L. before bequethed to my said
children to thentent (the intent) that they shall see my said children kepte and ordered honestely according to ther ebequest. Unto such time as they shal be abel to gett
their lyvynge or goo to other menys (means)/
Also I will that my brother Roger Phelpott have my bestgowne, my best coote and my best doblett. And over and above that an hoole clothe of my best makyng/
Also I bequethe and gyve to Margarete my daughter xl s.
Also I will that xl s be bestowed at my burial/ Also I will that my dirge and masse solemnly be note shalbe kepte and celebrate every monthe duryng the Space of a
hoole yere in the above named Church of Wotton/
The residue of my goodes not bequethed and my dette paid I gyve to Agnes my wife whom I make and ordayne my sole executure and Richard Phelpott my Ffather and
John Seborne the younger as is above writen to be Supervisors of this my will and testament to see that it be fulfilled according to the tenour thereof/ And to have for
there Laboures every of them one Sheling and eyght pens.
Witnes Willem Ffrithe, vicar of the said Church of Wotton
Mr. John Bolter
John Sepborne the elder
Richard Ffaye
with other yoben (upon?) the daye and yere above wryten.
Original spelling and punctuation retained. Text was arranged in paragraphs, not seen in original, to increase readability. English monetary designations: L = pounds
sterling, s = shillings, d = pence.
Many thanks to Varla Jane Owens Wright for submission of this bio.