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7551 |
Skagen 18 Ownership History:
432 Skagen 18 (dagens Skagens bageri)
352-334-341 Henrika Maria Frantzen og Hans Gabriel Buckholm Sundt kjøpmann 1796-1807 (brukte Skagen 16, 18 og 20 som Ploug & Sundt)
Henrika Maria Frantzen 1795
341-344-293-AK1 Henrika Maria Frantzen og Ole Smith Ploug 1768-1792 (kjøpt 1770)
293-KB1 Anna Katharina Smith (madam Ploug) 1745-1773 (Skattet i 1766 for iboende hus og eiende hus) (solgt 1770)
ND256-S36-S34-S31-S30 Anna Katharina Smith og Jens Abrahamsen Ploug 1730-1740 megler og vraker
S31-S30-V27-S25-NE219-NF276-NG263-E1-SBB74 Sidsel Olsdatter Kreutz og Ole Jakobsen Smith 1700-1731 – borger, fisker (kapitelsgrunn 1719 1 ort 8 skilling – eide mange tomter… dvs usikkert)
AK3-SBB74 Sidsel Olsdatter (Kreutz) (d 1706), Idken Jensdatter (Berentsen) Hestsøssel (f 1661 d 1693) og Albert Albertsen Libert (d 1697) borger, skipper 1687-1700
AK3-SBB48 Jens Berentsen (d før 1672) og Anne Samuelsdatter Vatne (f 1631 d 1693) 1671-1686 borger
AK3 X Jensdatter og Sten Jensen -1671
AK3-SBB39 Jens Evertsen (d 1675) og Anne Torgersdatter (f 1617 d 1704) 1670 - leieboer - Baker
AK3-SBB29 Kristen Jenssen (d 1668) borger 1635 skipper - ugift
AK3-SBB23 Jens Jørgensen og Kirsten Kristensdatter Trane prest, mester, borger - ca. 1625? | Olsdatter, Sidsel (I11396)
7552 |
Skagen 18 Ownership History:
432 Skagen 18 (dagens Skagens bageri)
352-334-341 Henrika Maria Frantzen og Hans Gabriel Buckholm Sundt kjøpmann 1796-1807 (brukte Skagen 16, 18 og 20 som Ploug & Sundt) Henrika Maria Frantzen 1795
341-344-293-AK1 Henrika Maria Frantzen og Ole Smith Ploug 1768-1792 (kjøpt 1770)
293-KB1 Anna Katharina Smith (madam Ploug) 1745-1773 (Skattet i 1766 for iboende hus og eiende hus) (solgt 1770)
ND256-S36-S34-S31-S30 Anna Katharina Smith og Jens Abrahamsen Ploug 1730-1740 megler og vraker
S31-S30-V27-S25-NE219-NF276-NG263-E1-SBB74 Sidsel Olsdatter Kreutz og Ole Jakobsen Smith 1700-1731 – borger, fisker (kapitelsgrunn 1719 1 ort 8 skilling – eide mange tomter… dvs usikkert)
AK3-SBB74 Sidsel Olsdatter (Kreutz) (d 1706), Idken Jensdatter (Berentsen) Hestsøssel (f 1661 d 1693) og Albert Albertsen Libert (d 1697) borger, skipper 1687-1700
AK3-SBB48 Jens Berentsen (d før 1672) og Anne Samuelsdatter Vatne (f 1631 d 1693) 1671-1686 borger
AK3 X Jensdatter og Sten Jensen -1671
AK3-SBB39 Jens Evertsen (d 1675) og Anne Torgersdatter (f 1617 d 1704) 1670 - leieboer - Baker
AK3-SBB29 Kristen Jenssen (d 1668) borger 1635 skipper - ugift
AK3-SBB23 Jens Jørgensen og Kirsten Kristensdatter Trane prest, mester, borger - ca. 1625? | Smith, Anna Catherina Olsdatter (I35872)
7553 |
skifte Manger, sluttet 26/11 1836:
No 139 Skifteforretning efter afdöde Gaardmand
Ludviig Daae af Gaarden Riisnæs i
Lindaas Skibrede begyndt 25te og
sluttet 26te November 1836. -
..................................... kommer til Skifte
og Deling imellom A: Hustrue
efter ham Lisbeth Johnsdatter, og
B. den Afdödes efterladte 3 döttre
1: D. ældste datter Martha Ludvigsdatter 10 Aar gammel
2. andre - " - Johanne - " - 3 Aar gammel
3. yngste - " - Andrea - " - 4 - " -
Hordaland fylke, Nordhordland sorenskriveri, Skifteprotokoll A 19 , 1833-1837
Folio 804b | Daae, Ludvig (I39500)
7554 |
Skifte på Maaren gård i Ytre Sogn
Nummer 1 for 1832
Aar 1832 den 14de Februar, blev Skifteretten sat paa Gaard-
den Maaren i Klævolds Skibrede ...................................
........ sat paa Gaarden .................. afdöde Enkefrue Anne HarboeTuchsen
födt Frimann og for sin ........................... Mand Sogneprest Michael Sundt
Tuchsen. ...................................................................
....... Arvingene ere:
1. Enkefrue Majorinde Anne Cathrine Fasting födt Tuchsen boende i Ortnevig
2. Enkefrue Oberstinde? ........ Karen Fasting födt Tuchsen boende i Viig
3. Enkefrue Sophie Amalia Michels? födt Tuchsen boende i Trögstad i Smaalehnene Amt
4. Prost og Sognepræst til Hafsloe Ove Daae, hans Frue Olave Mariæ Daae födt
Tuchsen, der ..........
5. Fru Christine Sophie Daae födt Fasting med Mand Capitain Gerhard Heiberg Daae
6. Madamme Anne Harboe Frimann Bugge födt Daae boende i Indre Sogn med Mand
og annförte? Propritæer Jens Bugge
7. Frue Anne Harboe Frimann Reinhardt födt Tuchsen med Mand
.......... Christien Gotfred Reinhardt boende her i Præstegeldet
8. Fröken Anne Harboe Frimann Fasting opholdende sig hos Moderen i Vig
9. Major Christian Brügger Enke efter Bergitte Munthe Brügger födt Daae
boende i Lindaas Præstegeld i Nordhordlehn
10. Fru Marthe Daae födt Brügger med Mand Fendrik Giert Daa boende i Lindaas
i Nordhordlehn
12. Mad: Lisbeth Houge födt Brügger med Mand Elling Houge boende i Bergen
13. Mad: Johanne Lexau födt Brügger enke efter G...... Lexau boende i ........... Sunds
Præstegeld i Nordfjord, ..............
14. Capitain Gerhard H. Daaes datter Anne Harboe Frimann Tuchsen Daae 12 Aar gl
op.......... hos Faderen
15. Capitain Gerhard H. Daaes Son? Thomas Fasting Daae 14 Aar gl: ............ Bergen Sogn
16. Jomfru Bergitte Munthe Tuchsen opholdende sig hos sin Moder i yte Holmedal i Söndfjord
17. Sognepræst Carl Fredrik Heidenreichs datter Anne Arboe Frimann Heidenreich
............................................... 15 Aar gl: samt opholder sig hos Faderen i Trögstad i
Smaalehnene Amt
18. Stud. theol: Michael Sundt Tuchsen Fasting opholdende sig i Christiania
19. Capitain Gehard H. Daaes Son Michael Sundt Tuchsen Daae 9 Aar gl: og opholdende
sig hos Faderen
20. Hendrik Olsens og Karen Marie Brüggers Datter Anne Harboe Frimann
Olsen,umyndig og opholder sig hos Faderen der er boende i Bergen
21. Bemeldte Hendrik Olsen og Karen Marie Brüggers ........... Börn, ...
..................... afgangne
22. Eelen Brüggers to ældste Sönner navnlig: a Proprietær Andreas Hendriksen myn-
dig og boende paa Blomvaagen i Manger Præstegjeld i Nordhordlehn;
b Skomagermester Peder Henriksen myndig og boende i Bergen.
23. Bemeldte Eelen Brüggers Datter Cathrine Elisabet Olde, umyndig og op-
holder sig paa Damsgaard ved Bergen.
24. Bemeldte Eelen Brüggers Datter Anne Harboe Frimann Olde, umyndig og
opholder sig hos Broderen paa Blomvaagen i Manger Præstegjeld i Norhordlehn.
Kildeinformasjon: Sogn og Fjordane fylke, Ytre Sogn sorenskriveri, Skifteprotokoll A 18 , 1828-1833, oppb: Statsarkivet i Bergen.
Merknader: Register.
Permanent sidelenke: http://arkivverket.no/URN:sk_read/24178/305/
Permanent bildelenke:
Sogn og Fjordane
Ytre Sogn
1832 Side 303 | Frimann, Anne Harboe (I39514)
7555 |
Skifteregister for Nordhordland 1702-1857
Lindaas Skibrede
Gaarden Thorsvig efter Major Christian Brügger
Begyndt 24 Januar 1826 og sluttet 13 Mai 1826.
Side: 3lb
Protokoll 16
År 1825-1827
Kildeinformasjon: Hordaland fylke, Nordhordland sorenskriveri, Skifteprotokoll A 16 , 1825-1827, oppb: Statsarkivet i Bergen.
Permanent sidelenke: http://arkivverket.no/URN:sk_read/24092/32/
Permanent bildelenke:
Hordaland, 1245 Sund
Fødd, Reg, Rolle, Førenamn, Etternamn, Bustad, Kjelde
[1785], 1825, Christian, Brygger, Torsvik, Skifteregister for Nordhordland 1702-1857
PS Han var født 1769 ikke i 1785, feil avskrift? | Brügger, Christian (I39477)
7556 |
Skipper i Bergen. Jægtefører. | Bjaastad, Berent Rasmusen (I39570)
7557 |
Skipsfører og kjøpmann | Heiberg, Dankert (Dankertsen) (I39635)
7558 |
Slain at sea | Fairfax, Samuel (I30779)
7559 |
Slekten Brügger av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik Kolderup 1970 s.16 Stamtavle over familien DAAE i Norge, utarbeidet efter Stiftsarkivar Anders Daaes efterladte papirer av Aagot Daae 1917 s.100 | Source (S1275)
7560 |
Slekten Brügger av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik Kolderup 1970 s.16 Stamtavle over familien DAAE i Norge, utarbeidet efter Stiftsarkivar Anders Daaes efterladte papirer av Aagot Daae 1917 s.99 | Source (S1275)
7561 |
Slekten Brügger av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik Kolderup 1970:
Overtok 12. desember 1867 br.nr. 1 Torsvik. Sønnen kalte seg Torsvik.
8 barn. | Kvamsdal, Botolf Rasmusson (I39608)
7562 |
Slekten Brügger av professor dr. philos Niels-Henrik, side 30:
Anne Sophie Heiberg Brügger døpt i Lindås 30. februar 1807, døde 30. april 1810. | Brügger, Anne Sophie Heiberg (I39494)
7563 |
Smith, James F.. <i>The Cherokee Land Lottery, Containing a Numerical List of the Names of the Fortunate Drawers in Said Lottery</i>. New York, USA: 1838. | Source (S892)
7564 |
So why would Robert Hubbard (Hobart) decide to come to America? And how can we best link the family lines of Hubbard back to Hobart.
Robert Hobart, Son of Sir Henry Hobart of Blickling Hall was connected to the New World on both sides of his family. His father, Sir Henry Hobart was an investor in the second charter for the Virginia Company (noted in the list of investors later in this document).
But prior to that Sir Henry’s father-in-law (and Robert’s grandfather) Sir Robert Bell, was an investor in the Virginia Company from the beginning and both men had sons that went to Jamestown in the early days. Robert Hobart/Hubbard (note that Hobart is pronounced Hubbard in England) followed after the death of his father and mother. Not being the first son, heir apparent, and one of ten sons (not all living at the time).....Robert may have chosen the New World as his best option allowing him to use his family ties and position of gentry to arrange for the transportation of individuals to the New World – where he received 50 acres for each person to arrive (see description of headrights).
Facts below from the 2007 book “Sir Robert Bell and his Early Virginia Colony Descendants.”
1607, Henry Jr. Hobart (son of Sir Henry Hobart and Dorothy Bell, Dame Hobart, daughter of Sir Robert Bell) is said to have “died in Jamestown, Virginia. (No proof records found to date.)
August 1607, Stephen Calthorpe (brother of Catherine Calthorpe who married Esq. Sinolphus Bell, son of Sir Robert Bell) was murdered in Jamestown, Virginia.
1608, as grim as the first year (1607) was at Jamestown, the darkest days for the colonists were yet to come. In 1608, the settlement was re-supplied twice (Henry Bell, second supply short visit and son of Sir Edmund Bell) with new recruits and fresh provisions from London, but;
• In 1617, the Virginia Company instituted the head-right system, a way to bring more settlers to Virginia. Investors and residents were able to acquire land in paying the passage of new settlers.
Sir Edwin Sandys, a leading force in the Virginia Company, strongly supported the head-right system, for his goal was a permanent colony which would enlarge British territory, relieve the nation’s overpopulation, and expand the market for English goods.
Sir Thomas Smith, (Rich faction)as the Company’s Treasurer, had a different dream: the virginia Company’s mission was to trade and make a profit. This led to conflict between Sandys and Rich, Earl of Warwick.
1619 When Sandys became Treasurer of the Company in 1619, he moved forward to populate the colony and earn a protective status for tobacco which had become the cash crop of Virginia.
The Virginia company of London, so far as achieving its aim as a profitable stockholding company, was a dismal failure, but; England’s territory was increased vastly and the new land could be settled and its natural resources harvested. Spanish colonial enterprise in the New World was challenged. England’s laws, language and religion were transplanted to a new place, and laying the foundations for what would become the United States of America. They were really laying the roots of American society. “Despite the agony, the tragedy, and all the missteps; this is where modern American began. | Hubbard, Robert (I3211)
7565 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7566 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7567 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7568 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7569 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7570 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7571 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7572 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7573 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7574 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7575 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7576 |
Social Security Administration. <i>Social Security Death Index, Master File</i>. Social Security Administration. | Source (S237)
7577 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7578 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7579 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7580 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7581 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7582 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7583 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7584 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7585 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7586 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7587 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7588 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7589 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7590 |
Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007. | Source (S849)
7591 |
Sofra Godtzen Pedersen (born in Denmark in 1599 , died in Stavanger in 1665 ) was the feudal lord in Stavanger from 1622 and Fogd of Jæren and valleys in 1632. Two years later he became city manager, and in 1638 he became mayor of Stavanger.
Sofra was in 1630 married to Elisabeth Christensdatter Trane (born in Stavanger in 1613 , died in Stavanger in 1684 . Both Godtzen and Crane families were old priest and futefamilier who came to Norway from Denmark and Germany . Sofra and Elizabeth had at least 18 children. Their daughter Anne Søfrensdatter Godtzen (born 10 June 1642 in Stavanger , died on 26 December 1710 in Søgne ) was married to "the wise priest Bjelland" Søren Schive .
In Stavanger Cathedral hangs today a epitaf Godtzen Lord Mayor and his family. Two of the children who died very young, is painted with englevinger.
| Godtzen, Søfren Pedersen (I9606)
7592 |
Sogneprest first in Oyer 1580-1590, later in Vågå. | Glad, Christopher Eriksson (I3551)
7593 |
sogneprest for Nordalens prestegjeld | Daae, Johan Christopher Haar (I39558)
7594 |
sogneprest i Førde til 1880 | Fasting, Michael Sundt Tuchsen (I39528)
7595 |
Sogneprest i Lærdal, Sogn | Michelet, Jakob Post (I39545)
7596 |
Sogneprest i Manger | Michelet, Jakob Post (I39545)
7597 |
Sogneprest til Aamlid (Omlid) | Grøn, Ludvig Christopher (I39697)
7598 |
sogneprest til Åmlid | Grøn, Johan (I39696)
7599 |
Sogneprest til Fana | Daae, Iver Munthe (I39563)
7600 |
Sogneprest til Gloppen | Daae, Ludvig (I39565)