JEM Genealogy
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Top 50 first names (total individuals):

Mary (2,895)
John (2,850)
William (2,195)
Elizabeth (2,134)
Sarah (1,511)
James (1,372)
Thomas (1,241)
Joseph (808)
Samuel (789)
Martha (775)
George (765)
Robert (627)
Nancy (580)
Henry (539)
Charles (512)
Margaret (476)
Anna (474)
Richard (468)
Hannah (463)
Benjamin (399)
Ann (387)
Edward (380)
Jane (366)
Daniel (359)
David (353)
Anne (334)
Frances (316)
Rebecca (316)
Lucy (311)
Catherine (307)
Jacob (272)
Susan (264)
Isaac (236)
Abigail (229)
Nathaniel (217)
Peter (201)
Judith (196)
Maria (194)
Marie (194)
Susannah (192)
Alice (191)
Francis (189)
Ruth (187)
Lydia (180)
Abraham (173)
Jesse (171)
Rachel (171)
Stephen (165)
Jonathan (162)
Jean (145)
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